There’s a New Way to Use Siri with Be My Eyes
There’s a New Way to Use Siri with Be My Eyes

There’s a New Way to Use Siri with Be My Eyes

There’s a New Way to Use Siri with Be My Eyes

You can now customize your Siri shortcuts to make Be My Eyes calls easier.
You can now customize your Siri shortcuts to make Be My Eyes calls easier.
By Will Butler, Chief Experience Officer
Illustration of interlinking audio waves alongside headline ‘Create shortcuts for the tasks you do all the time’.
Illustration of interlinking audio waves alongside headline ‘Create shortcuts for the tasks you do all the time’.

Siri is a great way to open Be My Eyes or initiate a new call to volunteers - no button-pressing required! However, until today, you needed to say a specific phrase such as “Hey Siri, make a video call with Be My Eyes” to start the call to a random volunteer. It was not possible to customize the phrase or to call a Specialized Help company. We are changing that with the new Siri Shortcuts feature.

Siri Shortcuts are custom phrases to invoke a specific action, such as initiating a call within the app. For example, you can set up the phrase “Call volunteer” to call a random volunteer or “Call Google” to call Google on Specialized Help.

Be My Eyes suggests Siri Shortcuts right when you need them

If you make several calls to a specific Specialized Help company, Be My Eyes might suggest adding it as Siri Shortcut. You can then add a custom phrase to call that specific company with Siri.

Besides the smart suggestions, you can always add and edit Siri Shortcuts in the Be My Eyes app Settings after making your first call. Simply open ‘Settings’ and navigate to ‘Siri Shortcuts’.

Siri Shortcuts are available in Be My Eyes version 3.3 or newer. Go ahead and update Be My Eyes in the App Store to make calls even easier! For a more detailed overview, check out the Using Siri with Be My Eyes article in our Help Center.